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Storage (Off-chain)

Storage System

The protocol is designed to be storage system agnostic. For the quick-start and proof-of-concept implementations, the data storge system used is IPFS. IPFS meets the design requirements of decentralised and data ownership. A requirement for pinning nodes in IPFS requires further analysis to make sure that the data remains available for dapp usage.

Generic Payloads

Service Provider Info / Items / Terms

The initial design is for service provider data to be stored monolithically, excluding images. The payloads are generic in nature, with payloads designed to be extended by industry-specific implementations.

Each payload is placed in a SignedPayloadWrapper, with an authorised API signer having signed a hash of the payload which is subsequently placed in SignedPayloadWrapper.signature. This provides

message ServiceItemData {
// primitive
bytes item = 1;
// industry-specific payload describing item
bytes payload = 2;

message ServiceTermData {
// primitive
bytes term = 1;
// industry-specific payload describing term
bytes payload = 2;
// smart contract address that implements ITerm interface
string implementation = 3;

message ServiceProviderData {
// primitive
bytes serviceProvider = 1;
// services (items) provided by this service provider
repeated ServiceItemData items = 2;
// terms that may be applicable to services provided
repeated ServiceTermData terms = 3;
// industry-specific payload describing service provider
bytes payload = 4;
// signed hash by ServiceProvider `api` signer
bytes signature = 5;

Stays Payloads

Accommodation Facility

// ServiceProviderData.payload
message Facility {
// name of facility
string name = 1;
// description
string description = 2;
// check-in / check-out times
Policies policies = 14;
// service provider's URL
string website = 5;
// location
google.type.LatLng location = 6;
// photos of the entire facility (not space-specific)
repeated videre.type.Photo photos = 7;
// connectivity
optional Connectivity connectivity = 21;

Item Info

// an item may be something like a space (ie. queen room)
// or it may be something like 'breakfast'.
message Item {
// name of the item. Target <50 chars for English
string name = 1;
// description
string description = 2;
// what type of item this is
ItemType type = 3;
// photos applicable to the item
repeated videre.type.Photo photos = 4;
// the payload describing the item (line specific)
// eg. may be Space message
optional bytes payload = 5;